Personal Health Device 个人化健康照护器材
personal health expenditure 个人卫生支出
Personal health management 个人健康管理
Personal Health Record 个人健康记录
eElectronic health records 电子健康记录
electronic health records 电子健康档案
health records 健康档案
National Health Health Insurance 健保资料
Validate Health Records 健康档案数据验证
Personal history of poor personal hygiene 个人卫生不良个人史
Health education and health promotion 健康教育与健康促进
Integrating occupational health with primary health care 三级预防
the system of health examination and health monito 体检信息与健康监测系统
abuse of authority for personal gain 以权谋私
abusive personal attacks 谩骂式人身攻击
add personal mailbox 新增个人信箱
administrative system of the personal housing public accumulation fund 公积金管理
adolescents personal defense awareness development 腐蚀层
application for personal assessment 个人入息课税申请书